Spartiti pianoforte canzoni per bambini pdf

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Caviezel, music performed by students of the Conservatories of Alessandria, Genoa and Milan) - 50’ - Fabbri editore Milano 2002 (4 ed) - Nuova edizione con CD 2012Ģ. Book with MC (voice Roberto Piumini, songs by G. LE MILLE E UNA NOTE (The thousand and one note) 10 Tales about musical instruments by Roberto Piumini with 10 songs (music only).

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Madrigali e canzoni su poesie di Roberto Piumini / Madrigal and Songsġ. Teatro da camera per la scuola, Fiabe musicali, Cantate, Madrigali e Canzoni - Libri musicali per bambiniĬhamber Opera for the school, Musical tales, Cantate,Madrigal and Songs Musical books for children

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